GINSMS Inc. is listed on TSXV: GOK
According to Gartner Inc1, worldwide mobile advertising revenue will reach US$11.4 billion in 2013 and will more than double to US$24.6 billion by 2016. Asia/Pacific and Japan will lead the pack in terms of market share, growing from US$4.9 billion in 2013 to US$9.5 billion by 2016.
If we were to compare consumer time spent versus ad spending across mainstream advertising media using the US market as a reference, it is evident that there is material upside for mobile advertising going into the future, as analysed by Mary Meeker and Liang Wu in their KPCB report2: 2013 Internet Trends. In 2012 in the US, Print accounted for an average of 6% of consumer time spent but garnered a whopping 23% of total ad spending. For the Internet, it is 26% for consumer time spent and 22% for total ad spending. Mobile, in stark contrast, accounted for 12% of consumer’s time, but only a meagre 3% (US$4 billion) of ad spending. This is a US$20 billion discrepancy.
Considering both facts of an expanding market, especially in this part of the world, and an advertising medium that is undervalued and immature, GINSMS's intent is to proactively capture a stake in this burgeoning and nascent industry.
Mobile Application Services
RHM operates mobile application services such as the Happy Hours and Go Mall series. Happy Hours is a pub finder app and allows app users to locate nearby pubs on a map and get deals. Go Mall provides shoppers with a comprehensive floorplan of the mall so they can find the shops and products that they want to visit and buy. Both series of apps are equipped with many mechanisms such as push notifications, targetted push, nearby push and coupons in order for shops to reach out to and engage their potential customers. RHM also maintains a content team who makes sure that our app contents stay accurate, relevant and updated. To date, there has been more than 10,000 downloads for Happy Hours. Both Happy Hours and Go Mall are available on iOS and Android. Moving ahead, RHM will continue to roll out more Happy Hours and Go Mall apps as well as other mobile app series to benefit app users out there. Stay tuned!
Mobile Marketing & Advertising
RHM's mobile ads network consists of both internal mobile inventory coming from our mobile application services (e.g. Happy Hours), and external mobile inventory which we have the rights to sell. RHM is constantly working with potential publishers of exciting new mobile applications and mobisites to expand our mobile ads network.
RHM runs an advertising team which services customers with advertising needs. Based on their desired target audience, the advertising team allocates the appropriate mobile inventory so that the right advertising message goes to the most relevant audience, creating value for both end users and advertisers.
For more sophisticated mobile marketing and advertising needs, RHM's advertising team also consults, recommends and executes mobile marketing and advertising campaigns for such clients. Through the creative use of innovative technologies such as outdoor and indoor location tracking, push messaging, QR codes, real-time image recognition, augmented reality, and motion sensing software, we hope to deliver the most interactive, memorable and effective campaigns to our clients.
Mobile Technology Products & Platforms
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![]() GINSMS Inc. was recognized as a TSX Venture 50™ company in 2016. TSX Venture 50 is a trade-mark of TSX Inc. and is used under license. |
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